Solful Organics Serenity Tub Tea has a perfect blend for unwinding. It’s made from a mix of magnesium flakes, Epsom salts and lavender petals. Serenity Tub Tea is formulated to give you a Spa-like experience at home. It helps to calm and relax the body and mind for a good night’s rest. The tub tea also contains a range of essential oils like cedar wood, ylang ylang, marjoram, Roman chamomile, vetiver and Hawaiian sandalwood.
Simply add to hot water and enjoy a relaxing bath experience before bedtime.
Re-energize with Solful Organics Cheer Tub Tea. It has a refreshing blend of citrus and vanilla with calendula. Cheer Tub Tea includes a mix of sweet ingredients to leave you feeling refreshed. The unique formula is made with sea salt, dried flowers and oils. It also contains wild orange, lemon, grapefruit essential oils and mandarin fruit extract.
Easy to use, just add Cheer Refreshing Tub Tea to running bath water and enjoy a relaxing bath. It rejuvenates the skin and energizes your spirit and mind.
Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.
Arthur Ashe